April 25th, 2018

Incall & Outcall Safety

Incall & Outcall Safety

As an escort you will come across two types of bookings clients will pay for, these are incall and outcall. Both types of bookings have advantages and disadvantages. It’s not uncommon for escorts to provide both services whereas some escorts will specifically provide one or the other.

Escorts who provide an outcall service usually want to keep their escorting a secret from friends and family and outcalling is the best way to remain anonymous. It’s a lot riskier to keep your escorting private and take many incall bookings. Inviting clients to your home could expose you in the long run.


There is a number of reasons an escort would choose to do incall bookings. Incall bookings are usually operated out of the escorts own residential home, a home she rents for work or a hotel she is staying at.

Some escorts will rent and operate out of a hotel and consider this in calling as clients are coming to them. Operating out of a hotel is a safe way to incall as you refrain from inviting clients to your personal home of residence. This helps you keep your work life and home life separate and secures your true identity that little bit more.

Hotel rooms are perfect to operate out of as there is nothing suspicious about it. Hotels are filled with people constantly coming and going at all hours of the day so if you have a string of clients visit you in one day there is very little chance of your activities disturbing somebody else If you operated incall from your home.

Although you may not be doing anything technically illegal, repeat complaints from neighbours can result in a visit from the police and a charge of ‘disturbing the peace’.

Also if you choose to operate from a hotel make sure you have pre-booked clients or you know regulars will be booking as this ensures you can pay off the hotel bill.

Hotels also have added security so you’re safer there then you are alone at home. If you are choosing to operate out of your own home there are some safety precautions to take before inviting clients round. First of all, make sure your environment is clean.

This will give an indication to your clients that you’re also clean, take pride in yourself and look after your environment. If your place is a mess it’s likely your client will think you are too.

Also for added safety make sure all other doors in the house are shut or locked except for the room you are working in. Try to keep your client in one room and refrain from giving him a tour or showing off your lovely house. The canvas you got is beautiful, sure, but he may not care.

As well as making sure doors are locked make sure anything of financial value or sentimental value, or pretty much anything you don’t want stolen is locked out of sight so there is no chance of your client robbing you from under your own nose.

Keep a phone within arms reach in case you need to call for help which is why it’s important you let somebody else know you have a client with you and if possible to pass them over your clients phone number incase they need to call such as the agency that represents you or a friend or family member in case you’re working independently.


Outcall visits are when you visit your client at either his home or a hotel he has booked.

Outcall bookings just like incall have a number of advantages and disadvantages to them. Usually, outcall bookings are at hotels so they are generally safer as hotels have added security and are busy places full of people who could help you. Also, it’s easier to confirm information.

When you are meeting a client at a hotel make sure you ask your client for the hotel name, number and the surname under which your client has booked.

Once you have a number for the hotel, a room number and a surname under which the room was booked you can then call the hotel and ask to be put through to his room providing his name. If everything matches the hotel will do this no problem and you will have confirmation that no false information has been provided to you by the client.

If you are meeting a client at a residential home there are a few safety precautions for you to take here, similar to if your client was in a hotel.

First of all for added peace of mind, a booking at a residential home can be quite comforting as your client is letting you into their home. This means from this point on you know their home address and who they are outside of your meeting, this gives you a slight level of power over them and they will be less likely to try anything inappropriate as it’s harder for them to hide from you in the future.

The client knows this and the fact he has made a booking to invite you to his home of residence that should be an indication he is trusting and is willing to trust you to not expose him neither.

The danger of this, however, is your client may not own the home he’s in. He could be renting it specifically for escorts and even if it is his home you can’t be certain he is absolutely alone. If you can ask to go to the bathroom and take a quick gander as it will help you settle when you’re more familiar with your surroundings and to make sure you’re alone with your client. When your client calls to make the initial enquiry it’s worth listening out for background noise and making absolutely sure nobody is going to be in the house with you and your client.

Whenever you do take a booking that requires you to visit a home take a landline number. This is worth calling to confirm this person actually does live at that address and has provided you with the correct information.

Escorting, for the most part, is safe. Occasionally you will come across people who are more aggressive, clients who are rude and situations that, for whatever reason, make you nervous and unsure about the booking. In these cases cancel and move on, it’s better to be safe and sorry. If you follow some of our tips you can ensure your safety that little bit more. Despite all these little tips of safety remember most of all to just have some fun at your job too. Happy escorting!

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